
Putting yourself in the mind of the reader is what I try to do with every assignment now that papers are to be taken into critical view. This class not only helped refuel different topics to write about but also helped me set a future expectation for future papers I am to do. The portfolio that reflects all of the work done over the course of the semester that wraps up everything we had done in class. In making this, I felt that it was more natural and linear as compared to the essays we had to do.Telling what style I use is a bit difficult to write on paper since I really have no exact way of saying what I write but I just tap into my personality to give the paper originality. The writing and reflection I had for the class in the essays came out pretty easily as it was just writing my thoughts and feelings this class helped teach as well as refresh ideas I had as a writer. From the beginning on learning how to properly write a paper again to now with the MLA writing style being ingrained into me at this point, this class was great to have not only for this semester but for future ones as well with papers needed as part of the course and I am glad to have ever taken this class. Getting the sources and details into the mix will be primary as always to give but I believe adding yourself as the author enough for any reader to take seriously is a great add on for any paper.